Technical Support
Because system wise the key aspect is technical support whenever you request it, it is in this area where we work really hard, offering constant contact always available to you, so that your system never stops. You can get online or telephone technical support.
The company offers a maintenance subscription service, including telephone, online and e-mail technical support, in order to clear out the doubts the user may have. In addition, it also offers the possibility for the customer to download from our company website the latest versions of the systems that are being delivered, free of charge, to then install in their PC. Taking out this subscription is not mandatory (as the system never stops running), but it is recommended. The subscription can be renewed. It may be:

Additional User
The Additional User option will allow the user to use the system simultaneously from an additional device.
All single-user versions of Tiempo Management systems can be converted into multi-user systems by purchasing additional users.