Suitable for all kinds of agreements and unions.
Concepts and formulas definable by the user without restrictions.
Complete staff records and family files.
Wide menu of settlements that allows to calculate settlements monthly, fortnightly or special settlements for one, some or all the records.
It offers resettlement of concepts indefinitely.
Issuance of Forms and Sheets
Issuance of receipts in preprinted forms or in blank paper (in different types of printers)
Issuance of salaries book (Act 20744 in Argentina). Single staff record, agriculture worker book.
Calculation of income tax withholding.
It meets all the requirements from provincial and national organisms.
Issuance of receipt of unemployment fund and unemployment fund sheet for construction workers.
It generates lists of Health Insurance Companies and Unions.
Files, records and timetable monitoring.
List of Health Insurance Companies and Occupational Accident Insurance.
Data Export
It exports data to the SIJP (pension system) and the SIAP (general taxpayers system), with permanent updates according to the AFIP current regulations.